Day of Change

Lawrence Holofcener

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And a balding near-sighted 
Middle-aged man with a paunch

Waving a red nylon bowling jacket.

After twenty minutes of shouts, laughs

Side-splitting sorry efforts

At whatcha-call bull-fighting

The man and the critter

Faced one another wavering

Just able to stand.

The man shouted Sword! 

And was thrown an old bayonet

Hanging in the foreman's office.

The man picked it up. 

A flash of sunlight struck the steer in the eye

And it charged the man

Knocking him down, dislocating his thumb. 

The man howled, waved off help

Got up and pulled his thumb

With a scream in the silence.

He took up the bayonet

Trudged to the animal

Standing square, its legs twitching.

The man lifted the blade

And with all his strength

Drove it down hard.

The beast cocked its head

Hung it there a second

Grunted and sank to its knees

Rolled over coughing.

A last snort and it died.


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