Day of Change

Lawrence Holofcener

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The man from Montclair

After week-ends of searching-

Having found that place

That long-ago spot

One Day

Packed himself

His two sons

And some things in the car

And went there.

To stay.


One day - actually one evening

A group of adults in North Framingham, Mass.

Calling itself The Board of Health

Roused from their boredom

And gaped at the brass

Of the banker, retired, of no small wealth

Who had asked their permission

(Without beg-your-pardon)

To build an earth-closet out back of his garden.

Glances were darted, then giggles suppressed

Then flurries of chortles were sneaking between

The eruption of coughing

Till someone could manage to bark at the banker:

An out-house you mean?!

The man nodded briefly and read from a card

Answers to questions which flew loud and peptic.

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